The Austin-Oita Sister Cities Committee is looking for volunteers at the Oita Japan Festival #OitaATX on Saturday, August 12, from 12-4 at the Asian American Resource Center.
Volunteers receive a T-shirt and $10 in festival food tickets!
If you are volunteering, please sign up TODAY at this link. There will be a place to indicate your T-shirt size when you register.
If you are volunteering at the festival as staff and your position is not on the registration link, please email me your T-shirt size today.
If you work at a business, please invite the people you work with. If you have 5 or more people in a group wanting to volunteer, we are happy to list you as a sponsor for the activity you are working!
We prefer that children be 15+ to volunteer. If they are younger, they can volunteer side-by-side with a parent overseeing their work.
(from the "call for volunteers letter" by AOSCC Chairperson Kristie Bryant, July 19. 2017)